About Me

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hello! my name is Mayra. I love different styles, photography, and nature. Let's adventure.

30 June, 2013


29 JUNE 2013

 I'm now on TUMBLR! I made a fashion blog specifically for my style, and fashion ideas. Make sure to follow it as well ^_^ I will still post here my DIY's and what not but I decided to give tumblr a try since it has many users whereas blogspot is less of a social site. My top is from the thrift shop (sadly they are gone now) I feel lost and don't know where I'm going to purchase my fabulous grandma clothing. I paired the top with a velvet skater skirt similar to American Apparel skirts with my creepers. I'm standing 5'3" today haha.

1 comment:

  1. Your posts are adorable! :)

    Leesa - allyourhopelesshearts.blogspot.com.au
